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Students in PreK-12th grade experience God in community—learning, serving, praying and helping each other on our journeys of faith. Our robust program for children and youth is led by a full-time Family Formation Minister and Youth Formation Minister with spiritual guidance from clergy and supported by adult volunteers.


  • Please subscribe to our Youth email list.

  • Questions? Contact: Jackie Ly (infant-3 year olds-children's nursery) Kindergarten - 5th graders (including 4th and 5th grade Youth Group), Jr. High (6th-8th graders) and Sr. High (9th-12th graders)

  • Children and Youth Formation is a responsibility of ALL adults in our parish family. We are always looking for volunteers to help serve our young people! Email Jackie for more details. â€‹


Children's Chapel


PreK-3rd Grade Students

Every Sunday at 10:00 am 


After the processional, children are invited to follow the cross out of the Nave and into our children's chapel downstairs; children rejoin their parents during the peace. In the 35 minutes between entrance and exit, children hear and experience Episcopal liturgy and scripture in developmentally appropriate ways.


Sunday School


PreK-5th Grade Students

Every Sunday at 9:00 am (September - May)


We organize the children into classrooms by their school grades. Two trained teachers lead the children through lessons, games, art projects, and other activities. Our mission is to form the children of St. Mary’s as followers of Jesus Christ by teaching them about the Christian Faith. "The classes spend the year learning about our three parish priorities: care of one another, racial equity and care of creation while also diving into the seasons of the church. It's never too late to join!"

4th/5th Grade Youth Group


Select Sundays



During the school year, children in 4th and 5th grades are invited to participate in gatherings to prepare for them the next steps in their faith journey. At each meeting we provide snacks along with activities and games that encourage children to deepen and widen their faith.

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Junior High Youth Group


1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month

7:00pm - 8:30pm


Jr. High Girls and Guys meet the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month at St. Mary’s from September through early June,  Jr. High youth meet for food, fellowship, games, crafts, projects, outreach, and discussion.



Sr High/High School Youth Group


Weekly on Wednesdays

7:00pm - 8:30pm


From September through May, High School students meet every Wednesday of the month at St. Mary’s for social time, service opportunities, bible study and prayer.


Jr. High Youth Forum

Sundays (Sept.-May) at 9:00 am 


Jr. High youth meet in the youth loft to learn about characters of the Old and New Testament through games, video, and lots of discussions!


Sr. High Forum

Weekly on Sundays (Sept-May)

at 9:00 am


High School Youth meet downstairs to explore their faith, and to explore our responsibility and commitment to our planet, community, and neighbors.


Christmas Pageant, December 24, Christmas Eve


Children in PreK thru 5th grade are invited to participate in the pageant at 4 pm. This special performance allows the children to lead us into the Christmas Season.


Outreach for Children 


Outreach is a major part of our programming at St. Mary's! We incorporate service projects into our Sunday School curriculum, 4th and 5th grade Youth Group and Intergenerational Project Days throughout the year that help us to fulfill our mission: Build Community, Form Disciples, and Serve the World.

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Parents Groups


Find Parents of Teens and Parents of Children groups downstairs on Second Sundays at 9:00am for fellowship, learning and community sharing. It takes a village to raise children and we want to be a part of your team! 

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Sr High/High School Mission Trip​

School Youth travel with chaperones for a week-long mission experience. The 2024 team returns to New Bern, North Carolina to rebuild after Hurricane Florence. Past mission destinations have included Texas for Hurricane Harvey relief in the Houston suburbs, Illinois to engage in street ministry in Chicago, and a week in Kentucky with Appalachia Service Project to help the poor in rural towns weatherize their homes.


Youth Outreach​


From bagging food at Arlington Food Assistance Center on the 4th Wednesday evening of each month, to volunteering in April on National Rebuilding Together Day, St. Mary’s Youth can get involved with local outreach ministry throughout the year to build relationships with our neighbors and each other.


Youth Confirmation: A Year Long Journey

Confirmation is a personal response to the Holy Spirit’s presence in one’s life. Each Spring, in early March, students in 8th-grade and high school are invited to embark on a spiritual journey complete with retreats, lessons, stories, and conversations guiding them deeper into the Episcopal tradition and the pillars of the one, holy catholic and apostolic Church. The following January or February, our confirmands are confirmed by one of our Bishops. Questions? Email Jackie Ly

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Jr. High August Outreach Week

Rising 6th-8th-grade students are invited to a week-long Outreach Day camp. Each day is a new adventure in service with our outreach partners at, Arlington Food Assistance Center, JK Farms, Path Forward, Arlington Park & Recreation, Sprout Therapeutic Riding Center, among others.


Communion Preparation Class

A Communion Preparation class for children (and their parents) is offered on the Saturdays before Christmas and Easter. If you are interested in having your child participate please be in touch with Andrea Meier, Parish Administrator at and/or Jackie Ly at


Nursery on Sunday Mornings for 3-month-

3 year olds

8:30-11:30am during the school year


Find professional sitters waiting at the end of the Sunday School hallway ready to welcome our youngest members to a fun and safe space for play and community during morning formation and worship. If you have questions about the church nursery, please contact Jackie Ly at email



Children and Youth Choirs


The St. Mary’s Music Ministry is composed of six choirs with more than 100 participants (Choir parents count too!). St. Mary’s Choirs are affiliated with the Royal School of Church Music. For more details on our Children and Youth Choirs, click here

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